Photo : Jorge Gutierrez Kimono styling : yuha.
ジャンルを超えて日本の静と動の美を魅せる場を求め、着物リメイクドレスによるファッションパフォーマンスショーや殺陣・剣舞パフォーマンス、音楽ライブ等の公演、MV・Web CM等の映像作品、スチール作品等において国内外で様々なアーティストの作品に参加している。
Maki Matsunaga is a model / performer. Through her performance, she pursues to show the beauty and glamour of Japanese culture and to express works and thoughts of designers / artists she collaborates with.
She learned the basics of classical ballet in her childhood. Then she started learning Japanese traditional dances, sword performance and KIMONO styling. Trying to harmonize Western and Japanese beauty, and traditional and modern art, she performs original improvised dance at various events in Japan and world.
She also works as a model of dresses made of Japanese antique KIMONO fabric.